
Monday 25 November 2013

D'Banj's New Girlfriend nude pics

D'Banj's New Girlfriend goes nude

The Kokomaster Dbanj has parted ways with Jennifer Obayuwana, a source told Nigeriaonpoint.Com that it seems he also dropped the idea of taking Genevieve Nnaji back, despite her efforts. But the crux is that this lady that is linked to Dbanj is a very wild babe. Hope he calls her to order. Below is her leaked uncensored photo... - See more at: http://www.nigeriaonpoint.com/2013/11/dbanjs-new-girlfriend-goes-complete.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+9jatv+%289JATV%29#sthash.fXNmbo7k.dpuf
The Kokomaster Dbanj has parted ways with Jennifer Obayuwana, a source told Nigeriaonpoint.Com that it seems he also dropped the idea of taking Genevieve Nnaji back, despite her efforts. But the crux is that this lady that is linked to Dbanj is a very wild babe. Hope he calls her to order. Below is her leaked uncensored photo... - See more at: http://www.nigeriaonpoint.com/2013/11/dbanjs-new-girlfriend-goes-complete.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+9jatv+%289JATV%29#sthash.fXNmbo7

The Kokomaster Dbanj has parted ways with Jennifer Obayuwana, a source told Nigeriaonpoint.Com that it seems he also dropped the idea of taking Genevieve Nnaji back, despite her efforts. But the crux is that this lady that is linked to Dbanj is a very wild babe. Hope he calls her to order. Below is her leaked uncensored photo...

I hear she was exchanging some of her private photos with a friend on twitter when the photos leaked!
- See more at: http://www.nigeriaonpoint.com/2013/11/dbanjs-new-girlfriend-goes-complete.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+9jatv+%289JATV%29#sthash.fXNmbo7k.dpuf

The Kokomaster Dbanj has parted ways with Jennifer Obayuwana, a source told Nigeriaonpoint.Com that it seems he also dropped the idea of taking Genevieve Nnaji back, despite her efforts. But the crux is that this lady that is linked to Dbanj is a very wild babe. Hope he calls her to order. Below is her leaked uncensored photo... - See more at: http://www.nigeriaonpoint.com/2013/11/dbanjs-new-girlfriend-goes-complete.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+9jatv+%289JATV%29#sthash.fXNmbo7k.dpuf

The Kokomaster Dbanj has parted ways with Jennifer Obayuwana, a source told Nigeriaonpoint.Com that it seems he also dropped the idea of taking Genevieve Nnaji back, despite her efforts. But the crux is that this lady that is linked to Dbanj is a very wild babe. Hope he calls her to order. Below is her leaked uncensored photo... - See more at: http://www.nigeriaonpoint.com/2013/11/dbanjs-new-girlfriend-goes-complete.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+9jatv+%289JATV%29#sthash.fXNmbo7k.dpuf

Monday 27 May 2013

Jim iyke porn video....

Leaked:- Checkout Jim Iyke Sex Tape - 18+ Only!!!

Nollywood actors are gradually throwing caution into the wind. In the video is Jim Iyke and Nikki Samonas, who is infact very beautiful.

see the Actress photo below.

Kudos to Nollywood. They are really pulling all the stops!! This video you are about to watch is Jim Iyke putting the mack down on some light skinned actress. This is not a love scene, it is a Typical Blue Film Featuring Jim Iyke and Beautiful Acress Nikki Samonas.

Warning:- 18+ Only, Viewers discretion is advised!!!

Download Video Here.

Don't Forget to Drop your Comment after Watching this Video.

Do you whant to know if your boyfriend or husband is gay? CHECKOUT

How To Know Your Guy May Be Gay

It can be quite baffling how a woman could not know that her man is gay after dating him for some times. While the stereotypically view of gay men are as flamboyant, cross dressing wannabe females, not all gay men display what are typically considered to be “gay tendencies.” Blessing Ukemena writes with report from Madamnoire..com.

This gay thing seems to be everywhere now. However, it is not celebrated in Nigeria or most African countries, but that does not mean it does not exist here. Some gay men, like recently out-of-the-closet NBA player Jason Collins, are the average, athletic, masculine men who date women.

Even Collins’ ex said she had no idea that he was gay. So, what is a woman with such a case to do? There is no sure-fire way to tell if your man might secretly be into men, but here are a few clues that you might want to look out for, if you have your suspicions.

1. Effeminate Tendencies
Let’s be clear: not all men who display effeminate qualities are gay. But most men are aware of things women typically do…and try to avoid doing them. If he walks with a sway, like a woman would, or has a “dainty” way about him that seems to come naturally, you might want to keep an eye open. Again, some men simply have a “way” about them that comes off as feminine, but you know the difference between feminine and secretly wanting to be a girl.

2. Overly Sensitive
Again, just because a man is sensitive doesn’t mean he’s gay, and honestly, most women wish their men were a bit more caring and affectionate. But if your man is overly emotional and cries at the drop of a hat, then he should be checked.

One can’t automatically assume that a man who expresses himself in an emotional way is homosexual, just like there is no way of telling that a “manly-man” is straight. A man, who is gentle and caring, is a great catch, but an overly sensitive man may be one of several indicators that he prefers men over women. Not a fact, just an observation.

3. Loves Guy Adult Videos
The first two examples given could go either way, but a man who watches gay male adult videos should be a flashing signal that your man might be gay. Whether he watches it openly or you “discover” it, you may want to ask him what his fascination is with watching men have sex.

It’s one thing to “stumble” across it while searching through adult video sites, and another to actually enjoy watching it regularly. The main reason people watch adult videos is to become aroused, so if watching other men have sex excites him, you probably have an answer as to whether or not your man is gay.

4. Homophobic Behaviour
Sure, there are some men who are turned off by homosexuality, but they usually can keep their feelings to themselves and keep it moving. As long as no gay men hit on them or disrespect them in any way, they’re cool – and probably even have gay friends. But if your man displays extremely homophobic behaviour when none is warranted, then he could be hiding something.

Sometimes, down low men try to lash out at other gay men to take the suspicion off themselves. By making “gay” jokes or if he seems particularly angry towards gay men or their behaviour for no apparent reason, he could be trying to throw you off his scent.

5. He Cross-dresses
Some men can try to put on his woman’s clothes as a joke, but not too many straight men find any humour in that. This is not for the actors, but it’s about the guy you catch wearing your teddy, bra, panties, blouses and your lipstick when you come home early unexpectedly. That dude. Again, he may just have some freaky fantasies, but he also could secretly wish he was a woman too.

6. Flirts With Men
There is no one straight man that ogles or flirts with other men, so this just seems like an obvious one to me. Sure, your man may be friendly towards everyone, but if he seems overly complimentary of a guy’s physical appearance, touches them or winks at another dude even if he says he’s just being “playful” – run for the hills.

7. Calls From Men
Most women know who their man’s male friends are, and your man talking to them regularly on the phone is no big deal. But if he gets a ridiculous amount of calls from random men that you don’t know, or that he had never mentioned to you before, it might be time to put up a red flag. If these are not business calls, but seemingly lingering or personal calls, you better be a bit concerned and ask him about it.

8. One ‘Special’ Friend
It’s not weird for a man to have a best friend. But if he spends more alone time with one particular man than he does with you, that’s cause for concern. If they go out to watch the game every week or play basketball, cool.

But if they’re holed up somewhere for hours at a time, or seem to take several vacations together that don’t include you and another woman, you might want to consider that they have a level of intimacy that goes above a “romance.” Most men save that time for their woman, not their male friend. You’ll just have to go with your gut on this one. So, if you think something is up, it probably is.

Monday 20 May 2013

PHOTOS: US Actress, Eva Longoria's Private Part Exposed In Red-Carpet Fashion Disaster

The popular US actress of the Desperate Housewives fame was spotted struggling with a fashion mishap on the red carpet.

Longoria arrived in a breathtaking light green gown and while ascending a flight of stairs, she revealed far more than she intended too.


Thursday 14 March 2013

the new pope

Pope-Francis-inaugural-mass-580.jpegWhile the new Pope, Francis, has made a point of emphasizing simplicity—rather than wearing the usual gold ring, he has insisted on one made of silver—today he gave way to Vatican tradition and formally assumed his office following most (but not all) of the elaborate ceremonial script worked out in minute detail over more than a thousand years. Even within this deeply traditional institution, the script has changed, sometimes quite substantially. Popes are now “inaugurated” and not crowned; Pope Paul VI, in 1963, was the first who declined to wear a crown, although he was still carried about in a special papal litter (la sedia gestatoria), a kind of portable throne—a practice that his successor, the short-lived John Paul I, abandoned in 1978. And Francis obediently read from the heavy Latin tomes held up in front of him by the papal retinue, after being led outside St. Peter’s Basilica by hundreds of men in golden robes and tall white hats who chanted solemnly in Latin and flowed like a gold ribbon through the aisles of the church. On the loggia of the basilica, they faced hundreds of thousands of faithful who had gathered in the arms of the enormous colonnade in St. Peter’s Square.
Tradition is so central to the Catholic Church that Cardinal Timothy Dolan recently remarked that it should be always be spelled with a capital “T”: Tradition. As a result, the fifty-six hundred accredited journalists in Rome, as well as millions of Catholics around the world, have spent much of the past five days since Pope Francis’s election parsing the large and small ways in which he has varied the usual routine. Much was made of his first words when he appeared at the window of St. Peter’s—“Buona sera” (“Good evening”), a simple human greeting rather than a specifically papal or religious expression, as well as of the last words that closed his Sunday homily: “Buon pranzo” (“Have a good lunch”). There has, however, been little question that Pope Francis, the former Archbishop Jorge Bergoglio of Buenos Aires, has been trying to send a series of messages since his selection: his decision to wear a plain white priest’s cassock instead of cardinal or papal robes, his request that the Argentine clergy not come to his inauguration and instead donate the travel funds to the poor. Some of the messages have been more explicit. In speaking to the press two days after his election, he said that he wanted “a church that is poor and for the poor.” He has reportedly annoyed parts of the traditional Vatican bureaucracy by pointedly ignoring the prepared remarks drawn up by his would-be handlers and speaking off the cuff, with great simplicity and even a sense of humor. He even appeared to violate the rule against discussing the internal workings of the papal conclave when he spoke to the journalists:
I will tell you the story. During the election, I was seated next to the Archbishop Emeritus of São Paolo and Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation for the Clergy, Cardinal Cláudio Hummes—a good friend, a good friend! When things were looking dangerous, he encouraged me. And when the votes reached two-thirds, there was the usual applause, because the Pope had been elected. And he gave me a hug and a kiss, and said, “Don’t forget the poor!” And those words came to me: the poor, the poor. Then, right away, thinking of the poor, I thought of Francis of Assisi.
Then, joking, he said that some of his fellow cardinals suggested he should take the name of Clement XV in order to “pay back Clement XIV, who suppressed the Jesuit order.”
The inauguration, though it kept closer to the script, was not without similar touches. Francis made a couple of trips around the piazza in the so-called Popemobile, a kind of customized white jeep or golf cart the Popes have used in the past thirty-five years to circulate around the large piazza. After the assassination attempt on John Paul II, a heavy bulletproof plexiglass sheet was added to the front of the vehicle for better security. Francis dispensed with the shield and even stepped down from the Popemobile to embrace a severely disabled man in the crowd.
The messages of his first two homilies—the one he pronounced at the Sunday Angelus service and the one at today’s inauguration ceremony—were short, simple, and highly inclusive. He recounted the story of the adultress from the New Testament on Sunday: “He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone.” He quoted an old woman who had told him that without mercy the world would not exist. “I asked her if she had taught theology at the Gregorian University,” he said, joking about the Jesuit university in Rome.
As I left St. Peter’s Square today, I ran into a group of Franciscan friars from Southern Italy. They were very satisfied with the proceedings. “Very Franciscan,” one of them said. “Simple, sober, clear. The homily was only about seven and a half minutes and contained a strong but simple message of love and faith.” “That’s what we need,” a second friar chimed in, “because many people are losing faith, also because of the disgusting sins of the Church itself.”
The homily was dedicated to the rather humble figure of St. Joseph, the carpenter husband of the Virgin Mary who, faced with the almost incomprehensible miracle of Mary’s immaculate conception, takes mother and child away to safety:
Joseph is the custodian, he protects Mary and Jesus…. We must remember that service is power. He does so not out of weakness but out of strength. We must remember that service is power. We must be custodians, caring for others, caring for the Church but also for those outside the Church, stewards of the environment and all of creation.
Residents in the St. Peter’s area noted that both the number of spectators and the enthusiasm for the new pope have been higher this year than in 2005, when Joseph Ratzinger became Pope Benedict XVI.
The apparent gamble of Francis’s papacy is to bring about a change in the Church’s attitude and behavior without (in all likelihood) a substantial change in doctrine. Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer, the secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, made it clear that although many things in the Catholic world are subject to change—“Twenty or thirty years, you would have never seen women teaching theology in a Catholic university, now there are many”—doctrine is not one of them: “There cannot be women priests, that’s impossible. It’s established doctrine.”
Similarly, in the Sunday sermon at Rome’s Pontifical North American College, following Francis’s inauguration, Cardinal Francis George, the Archbishop of Chicago, adopted a somewhat combative tone toward America’s “post-Freudian culture,” which insists on seeing “celibacy as a threat.” He also criticized the press and secular society, which “judge the Church as good as long as it does social services and bad to the extent that it makes truth claims.”
With a much gentler tone, Pope Francis, in his remarks to the press, alluded to the difficulty the secular world has in understanding the imperatives of the Church. “The Church,” he said, “is certainly a human and historical institution with all that that entails, yet her nature is not essentially political but spiritual: the Church is the people of God, the holy people of God making its way to encounter Jesus Christ. Only from this perspective can a satisfactory account be given of the Church’s life and activity.”
Many were struck by the skill and delicacy with which he alluded to the fact that many in the press were not his natural constituents: “Since many of you are not members of the Catholic Church, and others are not believers, I cordially give this blessing silently, to each of you, respecting the conscience of each, but in the knowledge that each of you is a child of God. May God bless you!”
But this should not be mistaken for a retreat on matters of traditional doctrine. The initial impression is that what Francis and others in the Church have in mind is a Church that is more pastoral, more attentive to the needs of the poor than its traditional prerogatives, and more forthcoming with the outside world, but no less firm about issues—whether gay marriage, sexual morality, or the contraception provisions in Obama’s healthcare reforms—that have divided many Catholics. Pope Francis is clearly enjoying a honeymoon period; the conflicts are yet to come, and we will see whether the Church’s new tone will change the nature of the debate.
Just imagine the face of his entorage..............

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Photo: What Did Yvonne Nelson Do to Her Hair?


Photo: What Did Yvonne Nelson Do to Her Hair?


Mother spends £20,000 on surgery for her daughters so they look like Mercy Johnson

She already had the name of her idol. And before she was 16, Jennifer Lopez had the figure to match – thanks to plastic surgery paid for by her mother. And, as in any family, what she had, her younger sister Karen wanted too. Karen and Jennifer’s mother Lesley has now spent almost £20,000 on cosmetic surgery for her daughters.

The result? Both now wish they hadn’t gone under the knife when they were so young – because their artificially enhanced bottoms and breasts attract too much attention.
Karen, 20, says, “My bum is so big now it’s kind of a curse because guys in clubs always want to have a feel of it. Even girls want a photo next to it. My body attracts everyone – I get too much attention and it annoys me.” Her sister, Jennifer, 23, who has a young son, added: “Sometimes it’s too much. Men beep their horns and whistle at me, even come up and touch my bum. I also get a lot of attention from women. They ask me if my bum is real and if they can touch it. It can be uncomfortable.”

Jennifer was the first to have surgery – a £4,000 chest enlargement operation to increase her cup size from A to C when she was just 15. She later had a second, £6,000 operation, which involved having liposuction on her stomach. The fat was then pumped into her bottom. Jennifer, a size 12, said: “I envied curvy women like US pop star J-Lo. When I asked for the surgery, mum said ‘no’ at first and that I should wait until I was 18, when my curves might develop. But I wanted the results straight away. I kept on asking every day, saying how unhappy I was until, a year later, she agreed.”

Karen, a size eight, started even younger. She had a £2,000 nose job at 14 and a chest enhancement, which also cost £2,000, a year later. She eventually persuaded her 43-year-old mother to use her savings and money earned through a cleaning job to pay for a £3,500 liposuction and bottom enlargement operation like Jennifer’s. The sisters had most of their surgery in Colombia, where their parents migrated from shortly before Karen was born. They now live in Camberwell, South London.

In the UK, the legal age of consent for cosmetic surgery is 16, but most reputable surgeons won’t operate until 18. Jennifer, who has had further liposuction on her stomach and a second £2,000 chest enlargement after discovering she had faulty PIP implants, said: “After my surgery I had the body of a woman, but in reality I was still only a child.

video of Goldie after her death

VIDEO: Goldie’s Last Interview On Ibakatv (R.I.P Goldie)


With deep heart felt sympathy, we present Goldie’s last interview with Ibaka Entertainment. The interview was in November 2012 where she talked about her life and her future plans. She will be sorely missed!!
 pls do click on the link above to view the video.

Friday 1 February 2013

Man bites off ear over N200

A provisions trader, Chukuma Ameh, has been arraigned before the Senior Magistrates’ Court, Mararaba for biting off the left ear of one Abdulaziz Saidu in a fight over N200.
The pair were found fighting on the street by the police patrol team attached to Sani Abacha Road, Mararaba B, led by Inspector Mayibe Tube and were arrested.
Both of them were treated at the Maraba Medical center before they were taken to court yesterday.
Ameh who spoke with LEADERSHIP outside the court, said after the Nigeria-Ethiopia football march on Tuesday, he was at his shop at Abacha Road when Abdulaziz came into the shop and demanded to be paid N200 he claimed to be owed.
He said he was eating at the time and had told Abudulaziz that he owed him no money, following which Abdulaziz went outside, picked a bottle and made to stab him with it but he had blocked it with his right hand, a move which almost cost him his right thumb which was almost severed by the bottle.
“See my hand, I slept in the hospital yesterday because the cut was deep and one of my veins was cut. After he injured me on the hand with the bottle, he hit my head with the bottle and it was in a bid to save myself that I pushed him to the ground and bit his ear,” Ameh explained.
In his defense, Abdulaziz denied that he had wrongfully attacked Ameh.
“Chukwuma asked me to change money for him to give a customer so I gave him N200. After the match, I asked him for the money and he said he didn’t owe me. He was the one who dealt me a blow first and we started fighting. I later went to the police and made a report and some policemen followed me to his shop.
“When we got there, he told the police to go that we will settle the matter amicably and after they left, he broke a bottle on his head and as we were fighting, he bit my ear,” he stated.

Music ban in Nigeria music industry

Banned Musicals
The following Nigerian musicals have been banned by the Nigerian Broadcast Commission (NBC) for exhibiting vulgarity and indecency.

Enter the place - 2face Idibia

Dance for me - Duncan Mighty

Suddenly - D’banj

I wanna be close to you - D’banj

Nwa Baby - Flavours

Rigirigi - Flavours

Maga Don Pay - Kelly Handsome

Additionally, Africa Independent Television (AIT) has banned Bigiano’s Shayo from being played on its airwaves.
 som other songs that was banned is alingo by psquare.